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Water Restrictions

Water is our most precious natural resource, there is never enough to waste.

The following water restrictions and provisions of the District’s Water Efficiency Program and the California State Water Resources Control Board are mandatory and are in effect at all times. Failure to comply may result in a fine.

The State of California continues to mandate emergency drought proclamations in effect here.

New Ordinance Updates

On February 15, 2024, the Board of Directors approved changes to the District’s Water Conservation Ordinance. The Ordinance establishes water efficient directives such as designated watering days and water waste prohibition. The current standards were put into place in 2015 and have not been significantly updated in 20 years. In that time, the State of California has signed into law multiple water efficiency mandates.

The following changes have been incorporated to provide a more structured process and smoother transition for customers: 1) designating watering times between 6 pm and 10 am, 2) designated watering days for drip irrigation, 3) adding Stage 3 which allows for one day per week watering, 4) eliminating watering exemption fees, and 5) updating definitions in Administrative Code for relevant terms.

Designated Watering Days

  • Properties with street addresses ending with an even number can irrigate on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; properties with street addresses ending with an odd number can irrigate on Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday. No irrigation is permitted on Saturday.


  • Repair all leaks in plumbing and/or irrigation systems.
  • Do not allow irrigation runoff to flow onto adjacent property, non-irrigated areas, private and public walkways, roadways, parking lots, or structures.
  • Do not water non-landscaped, natural vegetation, or undeveloped property.
  • All hoses need to be fitted with a shut-off nozzle or device attached to it that causes it to cease dispensing water immediately when not in use.
  • Do not spray water on driveways, sidewalks, parking areas, tennis courts, decks, patios, and other improved areas.
  • Do not irrigate 48 hours after measurable precipitation.
  • All fountains or other decorative water features must recirculate water.
  • Do not irrigate turf on public street medians.
  • Restaurants must serve water only upon request.
  • The hospitality industry must provide guests with the option of choosing not to have towels and linens laundered daily. The hotel or motel shall prominently display notice of this option in each guestroom using clear and easily understood language.

All water users are encouraged to report to the District all signs or indications of water leaks and water waste. You can report water leaks and waste by one of the following methods:


The District has the duty and authority to enforce all provisions listed above.

First Violation: For a first violation within one calendar year, the District shall issue a written warning to the Water User.

Second Violation: For a second violation within one calendar year, a fine of $100 for residential customers shall be added to the Water User’s bill at the property where the violation occurred; for the second violation within one year, a fine of $500 for commercial customers shall be added to the Water User’s bill at the property where the violation occurred.

Third Violation: For a third violation within one calendar year, a fine of $250 for residential customers shall be added to the Water User’s bill at the property where the violation occurred; for the third violation within one year, a fine of $750 for commercial customers shall be added to the Water User’s bill at the property where the violation occurred.

Fourth Violation: For the fourth and any additional violations within one calendar year, a fine of $500 for residential customers shall be added to the Water User’s bill at the property where the violation occurred; for a fourth and any additional violations within one year, a fine of $1,000 for commercial customers shall be added to the Water User’s bill at the property where the violation occurred. The District may also discontinue the Water User’s water service at the property where the violations occurred in accordance with District Procedures. Re-connection shall be permitted only when there is reasonable protection against future violations, such as a flow-restricting device on the customer’s service connection, as determined at the District’s discretion.

District’s Water Conservation Ordinance