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Groundwater Management 

The 2014 Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) mandated the formation of Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (GSAs) to manage groundwater basins in California designated as high- or medium priority by the Department of Water Resources (DWR). In the DWR’s 2019 Basin Prioritization, the Tahoe Valley South Subbasin (underlying South Lake Tahoe) was designated medium-priority due to legacy plumes of man-made contaminants (MTBE and PCE) in the Meyers and South Y areas that originated in the 1970s. The District resolved to serve as the GSA for the portion of the Subbasin within its service area, with El Dorado County Water Agency (EDCWA) covering the remainder (see map).

The District has been monitoring and managing groundwater in the Tahoe Valley South Subbasin since December 2000, when it adopted its first Groundwater Management Plan and incorporated it into its Administrative Code. The original Groundwater Management Plan was updated in 2014 to reflect progress with MTBE remediation and to shift focus toward long-term supply sustainability. When the District was designated as the GSA of the Subbasin following the adoption of SGMA, it submitted the existing 2014 Groundwater Management Plan to DWR as an “Alternate” Groundwater Sustainability Plan for management of the Subbasin along with an analysis of basin conditions. In July 2019, DWR determined that the Alternative Plan satisfied the objectives of SGMA. The update of the Alternative Plan was submitted to DWR in 2022 and approved in 2024.

To provide a forum to discuss groundwater issues that affect all users and facilitate collaboration throughout the Subbasin, the District convened a Stakeholders Advisory Group (SAG). The SAG consists of local members who reside within the Subbasin or who represent collaborating businesses or government agencies who are committed to protecting groundwater resources. Workshops to discuss groundwater-related topics are scheduled as needed, and are used to inform the SAG of current groundwater conditions and receive input on groundwater issues affecting the Subbasin. To see data related to Groundwater Management in South Lake Tahoe, visit

The Alternate Groundwater Sustainability Plan will be updated every five years, with the next update scheduled for 2027. New information developed since the current plan's adoption will be incorporated. The District and EDCWA will keep stakeholders informed through this webpage, an email list (subscribe by emailing, and public workshops. As part of the process, the SAG will be engaged to ensure stakeholder concerns are acknowledged and considered when significant changes are proposed. After reviewing the existing plan, a draft update will be released for public comment, starting with a Notice of Availability detailing how to review the draft and submit comments. Once the public comment period ends, necessary revisions will be made, and responses to comments will be prepared. The final updated plan, including public feedback and responses, will be presented for formal adoption at a public hearing by the District’s and EDCWA’s Boards of Directors.

A map showing different management areas around Lake Tahoe with a legend for color-coded jurisdictions.
TVS Basin GSAs (Click image to enlarge)














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